large catwalk in Chesterfield College

Portable Stage Tips: Eliminate Those Annoying Creaks

After assembling your portable stage, you might notice it sometimes emits creaks or cracking sounds when in use. This can be quite disconcerting, especially if your performance requires complete silence. Fortunately, there’s a simple and cost-free solution to this problem.

When setting up portable stages, it’s not uncommon for them to produce unsettling noises as you walk across them. Some stage modules are more prone to creaking than others. The last thing you want during a quiet performance is a noisy stage.

To address this, watch below our portable staging video, which demonstrates a few easy techniques involving simple lifts and taps. These actions help the stage settle into its proper seated position. Given the numerous moving parts in portable staging, it sometimes needs a bit of encouragement to fully settle.

By performing these straightforward lifts and taps, you can ensure the stage is securely seated, eliminating those bothersome creaks and cracks.